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Aging Like A Badass Podcast

How To Keep Your Gut In Check When You're A Busy Wreck – Episode 86

Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with all the things, while also taking care of yourself? Are you overwhelmed with all the information and number of solutions that in the end leave you wondering where to start? Join PA and CEO of Kelsey Mauro Wellness, as she shares expertise and hope for finding support and staying accountable while meeting yourself right where you're at!

Wholly Well Podcast

The Importance of Caring for Your Gut with Kelsey Mauro – Episode 43

We are talking about gut health! While we have talked about gut health before, in this episode we are diving into some of the more advanced gut health techniques and how your gut is the key to solving health issues starting from the inside out.
My guest today is Kelsey Mauro. Kelsey is a Board Certified Physician Assistant, a Certified Functional Medicine Health Consultant, and the owner and CEO of Kelsey Mauro Wellness. Her mission is to help clients unlock the secrets of their gut to achieve total wellness and results that last a lifetime.
This was a great conversation, so listen in!

3 Foods To Remove From Your Diet To Drop Pounds So Fast

When it comes to the worst commonly used ingredients that are likely to slow your weight loss progress, vegetable oils are definitely somewhere at the top of the list. Mauro warns that these cooking oils, which are processed with chemicals and packed with omega-6 fatty acids, "are a key contributor to inflammation" and "can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases and an increased risk of obesity."

Signs Your Body Cannot Absorb Vitamin D, According to Doctors

Kelsey Mauro, a Board Certified Dermatology Physician Assistant and a Functional Medicine Gut Health Consultant/Holistic Medicine Provider explains, "There has been a link of lack of Vitamin D and risk of dementia as well as stroke in individuals.  It can be challenging to absorb vitamin D when you have certain medical problems such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease or cystic fibrosis. 

Health Experts Explain Why You ā€‹ā€‹Should Try To Cut This Type Of Oil Out Of Your Diet

Overall, we know that whenever possible, cooking a healthy meal at home and avoiding processed foods is always the best way to go. However, there’s one sneaky ingredient you could be adding to those homecooked meals that may be negating your weight loss efforts: vegetable seed oils like canola oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil, and more. 

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Signs of Food Intolerance

How to Tell If Your Body Is Reacting Badly to Something You're Eating

“Symptoms of food intolerances are common and vague, so we think these symptoms are normal results of our busy lives,” says Kelsey Mauro, functional medicine gut health consultant.

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The One ‘Healthy’ Breakfast Food That Could Actually Lead To Indigestion

No one wants to start their day with heartburn, which is why steering clear of citrus fruits like orange and grapefruit may be a good idea if you suffer from frequent indigestion. 

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Experts Say You Should Stop Using This Type Of Oil ASAP (It Causes Inflammation And Weight Gain!)

Many health experts agree that vegetable oils may contribute to inflammation and weight gain, which means you may want to cut them out of your diet (which should be rich in anti-inflammatory foods) as much as possible in order to keep your body happy and healthy.

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Why People Who Eat These Carbs In The Morning Struggle To Lose Weight

Contrary to popular believe, carbs aren’t all bad. Certain ones, like those found in whole grains and vegetables, are filled with fiber that fills you up for the day without adding calories. This can help to eliminate hunger pangs throughout the day, so these foods can work wonders for weight loss—they’re practically a nutritionist’s dream morning meal. But other carbs, i.e. refined ones, do almost the exact opposite.

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3 Types Of Dairy That Can Actually Damage Your Gut Health, Experts Say

To discover some of the worst options out there that can wreak havoc on your digestive system, we spoke to Kelsey Mauro, Functional Medicine Gut Health Consultant. She told us that dairy products like whole cow’s milk, whole milk yogurt, and cheese should probably be avoided by people who struggle with their gut health due to their lactose content. 

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True Health Starts From Within - Kelsey Mauro Wellness

My business is called Kelsey Mauro Wellness. I help clients virtually all over the world achieve optimal gut health by utilizing functional medicine practices and functional medicine labs and creating customized nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications, and supplementation recommendations for each client.

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Her Story

At Kelsey Mauro Wellness I offer one on one private virtual health consulting to clients all across the world!  I utilize detailed interpretations of functional medicine lab findings, nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications and supplement recommendations and create customized protocols for my clients, to get them to achieve optimal gut health and get them thriving!

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